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Copan Group

Self Collection

Self UriSponge™

Urine self-collection for HPV and STIs

Copan Self UriSponge™ is a safe and easy-to-use device to collect urine samples. Collection can be performed at Point of Care in complete privacy, using a non-invasive procedure, especially for people that have impaired motility or diffi­culties to reach clinics because of distance.

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We believe in Self-collection

We are aware of all the intrinsic advantages linked to self-collection, and we truly believe that this could change the approach to diagnostics from the Patient point of view.

Deepen your understanding of our solutions specifically designed for self-collection surfing through our content!

SELF UriSponge™ Brochure
SELF Collection Application


Performing and convenient

Self UriSponge™ maintains the DNA integrity for up to 1 week at RT with zero-risk of overgrowth. While its performance is comparable with the testing of neat first-catch urine specimens for detection of C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae, Self UriSponge™ considerably reduces the cost per infection detected compared to clinic testing.


Why to choose Self UriSponge™

Self UriSponge™ features unlock the full advantages of self-collection.



The sponge absorbs instantly the correct amount of first-void urine sample.


Hygienic and intimate

Easy-to-use: the proper urine self-collection device without risk and discomfort.



Compact and leak-proof device for a safe and cost-effective shipment. Suitable for sample transport from remote areas.


Standardized workflow

Self UriSponge™ grants optimized high-performance and ready-to-use processing of up to 3 ml of urine, to fit the procedures of the main molecular platforms.

Into the Line

This product line groups a variety of product codes, each optimized to address specific needs.
Check here the summary of these features and contact us to discover the product code that best suits your need-mix and available in your Country.

Collection Sites

  • Urine

Fields of Application

  • STIs and HPV
  • Self Collection
  • Multi Drug-Resistant
  • Organisms
Suggested uses table. Please refer to your GLP procedures to choose the most appropriate device.
The use of this product in association with diagnostic kits or instrumentation should be internally validated by the user.

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