5 結果


Screening for cytomegalovirus shedding in vagina and saliva: Significant differences between biological fluids, swab types and storage durations in DNA recovery

Ngee Keong Tan et al.


Use of an innovative and non-invasive device for virologic sampling of cough aerosols in patients with community and hospital acquired pneumonia: a pilot study

Filippo Patrucco


Characterization of a universal screening approach for congenital CMV infection based on a highly-sensitive, quantitative, multiplex real-time PCR assay

Angela Nagel


Laboratory diagnosis of congenital CMV infection in newborns: Impact of pre-analytic factors

Niko Kohmer


A prospective study evaluating congenital CMV infection in Mayotte and La Reunion Islands (France)

Justine Demortier, Jacques Fourgeaud, Soumeth Abassed, LaurentLambrecht, Marie Gromand, Brahim Boumahni, Coralie Dumont, Alexandre Reynaud, Margaux Avet, Louis Collet, Claire Périllaud-Dubois, Marie-Christine Jaffar-Bandjee, Christelle Vauloup-Fellous