7 结果


Optimizing liquefaction and decontamination of sputum for DNA extraction from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Anzaan Dippenaar et al.


Sample collection and transport strategies to enhance yield, accessibility, and biosafety of COVID-19 RT-PCR testing

Banada et al.


Efficacy of Unsupervised Self-Collected Mid-Turbinate FLOQSwabs for the Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Egildo Luca D’andrea et al.


Assessment of the Diagnostic Ability of Four Detection Methods Using Three Sample Types of COVID-19 Patients

Fei Yu et al.


Immune cell residency in the nasal mucosa may partially explain respiratory disease severity across the age range

Konner Winkley et al.


Early Start of Oral Clarithromycin Is Associated with Better Outcome in COVID-19 of Moderate Severity: The ACHIEVE Open-Label Single-Arm Trial

Konstantinos Tsiakos et al.


Correlating qRT-PCR, dPCR and Viral Titration for the Identification and Quantification of SARS-CoV-2: A New Approach for Infection Management

Martina Brandolini et al.