The world has just quaked under the pressure of the pandemic. Uncertainty, misinformation, urgency, and attention, investments, awareness: all these reshaped the world’s approach towards Microbiology.
Luckily, the pandemic had a silver lining: preanalitics and the importance of Quality became public knowledge. From this perspective, our leadership hasn’t been shaken: behind our products, there are ingenuity, scientific reliability, and know-how built over 40 years.
This, to bring the most performing, most accurate, and safest preanalytical solutions to you and your patients.
Involving and engaging all levels of the company’s staff is Copan’s core value. The in-house wealth of knowledge and expertise is shared; problems and situations are openly discussed. High levels of vertical integration allow the company to perform quality control over every step of the manufacturing process.
Our latest quality certificates demonstrate our belief that accuracy and liability are essential in our field. These certificates made us compliant with the most recent standards, while the number of patents we obtained is the summary of 40 years of non-stop innovation.
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