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The positive hemoculture processing device

BC+™ is a vacuum tube designed to transfer and transport positive blood culture for culture or microscopic analysis.

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Hemoculture and WASP® get together

When your lab enforces a WASPLab®, you want to get the best of its flexibility and productivity. BC+™ is the bridge that will bring your positive blood cultures directly into WASP® for streaking.


Automated Rapid AST

Radian® AI powered SIR interpretation

Radian® Expert System, with its EUCAST Rapid Rules for blood culture AST interpretation, awaits down the line.


Act fast!

In the case of a positive hemoculture, a timely identification of the infecting agent and possible resistance assessment are crucial. BC+™ makes it easy and fast.


Visually verifiable sample volume

A conveniently designed label makes it easy to collect just the right aliquot of sample to be processed appropriately.


Easy to use

The pierceable cap and the vacuum system ensure a clean and effortless transfer of the positive hemoculture inside the tube.


Suitable for manual or automated handling

The BC+™ tube is compatible with both manual handling and automated processing with WASP® & Radian®.


Transportable at room temperature

BC+™ allows to transport and preserve the blood sample for 8 hrs at room temperature.

Into the Line

This product line groups a variety of product codes, each optimized to address specific needs.
Check here the summary of these features and contact us to discover the product code that best suits your need-mix and available in your Country.

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Brochures & Materials

Top Scientific Studies

Scientific Study

Evaluation of the Copan BC+™ for the Automated Management of Positive Blood Cultures: Microscope Slides and Subcultures Preparation

Bielli A., Lepera V., Oggioni M., Lacchini C., Lombardi G., Vismara C.

Scientific Study

Accelerated Time-to-Diagnosis by Automated Processing of Positive Blood Cultures on Copan WASPLab®

Marion Jetter, Martina Marchesi, Peter M. Keller, Michael Hombach

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