WASP-FLO™ is designed for microbiology laboratories with multiple WASP® and WASPLab® lines to streamline sample loading and unloading.
It automatically sorts samples, drives them to the appropriate WASP® and batches the tubes in output racks after processing.
Automated processes are the Lab’s turning point to reach new heights of flexibility, quality, process management and optimization, and of course prestige.
Copan will take you by hand, wipe out all uncertainties, and guide you through this breakthrough change!
WASP-FLO™ optimises the workflow of the Lab and the workload of all the modules of the WASPLab® Ecosystem. Feed your random incoming samples to it and the system will automatically sort and deliver them to WASP® and WASPLab®, minimizing the human reception activities, and maximizing the automation productivity!
In the purest WASPLab® style, WASP-FLO™ comes with integrated barcode scanners and a Data Management System which stands at core of its random access feature, to keep you posted on the full sample workflow.
The bulk loading module completes the fire-and-forget approach of WASP-FLO™: forget about the pick and stick phase where lab staff was needed just to grab tubes and insert them in racks. Just feed them to the Hopper Module from the box and they will be automatically loaded and sorted.
The pick-and-place robots sort tubes in RFID-driven pallets and unload completed samples onto dedicated racks.
Retrieve processed samples in eight organized racks, which host up to 792 samples.
Critical materials that need maximum priority can be loaded through a dedicated area.
Centralise notifications on the screen, to let you have a full overview of the whole automation.
Build up your Full Lab Automation dream! Module by module you can scale up quality, productivity, and medical value.
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